Tuesday, February 2, 2010


in a t-shirt, in heels, in pigtails
i am all properly dressed
for you to messy me up again

but vanity is a luxury for those with better contacts
networking their way through hairdressers and mascara
with unbroken nails
while i use eye cream and glue to merely hold it together

i do not always see so clearly
and cannot bottle the looks that you give me

your itinerant eye
toils adoringly through toasty nights and hours of skin
skirts and white cotton socks

i fear you will lean to the next all too soon

not securely fastened to your side
i worry about slipping
when you are presented with shinier lips and thighs
or a newer piece packaged just right
faultless where i falter, clear where i am green

1 comment:

Kate Lightfoot said...

"for you to messy me up again" - awesome turn of phrase, Jen. Love it that you went with messy and not mess. Beautiful. xk